A Black Thank You

Thanksgiving – a family event; perhaps even more popular than Christmas in the States – or maybe more so for the event that usually takes place after all the tummys are filled and the laughter has subsided.

This, my first, was celebrated with a family friend. We spent most of the day cooking but it was well worth it in the end when the table was set and we all gathered to eat and enjoy each others company. Oh what a spread it was, I felt guilty. We had ham and turkey, curried chicken, escoveitched fish, rice and peas, sweet potato casserole, tortellini salad, tossed salad, corn bake….. the plate was so piled up I tell you and after I was so full that I didn’t even think about going for seconds. In fact I could not move for quite some time.

A few moments later I managed to find some room for dessert. Pumpkin Pie, Coconut Cake, Bread Pudding and a Carrot Cake made me envision myself 30 pounds heavier but again, if that happened it would have totally been worth it. OH so delicious.

Then began the chatter about Black Friday. Notably the sales started much earlier than normal – Black Thursday? Not to be left out I decided to tag along.

Common sense told me to leave my valuables – i.e. Phone, Austin and watch – at home so not only did I lose all track of time but unfortunately this is going to be very ‘wordy’. I partly apologize in advance.

Our main stop was the local mall but we noticed the looooong lines as we drove by places like Best Buy and Walmart. Management decided that none of the stores in the mall would open until 12am. Well Sears was the only one that didn’t get the Memo. Anxious prospective buyers made them selves at home and sprawled out on the beds and sofas on display. Not many seemed interested in what Sears had to offer. Nice try though. Very clever marketing strategy.

The crowd quickly increased as it came closer to ‘the hour’ and I wasn’t all to minding the experience until about 11:45 when a rumble erupted, breaking the anxious silence that had mysteriously come over the mall. Low but excited chatter could initially be heard from people camped out on the floor behind the bars that separated them from – yes – one of the most anticipated events of the year.

Suddenly screams echoed through the building and the low rumble got more intense with each passing second. They banged on the gates pleading with it to open though it was only 11:45. Patience!? No, there was none found here. What have  I gotten myself into was my lament as I pictured the million other places I could possibly be.

Eager to not be at the back of the crowd we left the area in search for another that was closer to our first destination. The crowed rushed down the stationary escalators, well all except one woman who had all the time in the world it seemed. I had to stop myself from crashing into her at one point. Finally, we made it – to yet another crowd of rowdy teens all clamouring to be the first to get into Victoria’s Secret.

Again I felt a pang of fear and contemplated waiting outside – if I could find any space. In the end I braved it and prayed that my feet would not be crushed and I would not be one of those unlucky souls to get trampled. (Thankfully I didn’t watch any such video until after I got home – SCARY ISH I tell you)

When the doors finally opened I found myself wading in a sea of people frantically grabbing at anything they could get their hands on -__- Pandemonium I tell you all over rated though if you ask me. I’ll bet that half those people will wake up and lament on all that money they spent all because it was on SALE….Hmmnnnn

Otherwise, the weekend seemed to draw on and after a while I gave up trying to keep track of the days. I did however spend time in quiet reflection on all the things I’m most thankful for. So far, my new journey has been a good one. I’ve met some awesome people, learned new things and gained many unforgettable experiences. Best of all I have an awesome family and a few close friend who have created a super strong support system through all this. I love you forever for that.

While I’m being thankful I’ll take this opportunity to thank fellow blogger Run Eat LIfe for nominating me for the Sunshine Award. 🙂

I liked the questions posed and thought it fun to do a lil ‘flash back’ – Click, Click ….

What is your favorite time of day? 
That’s easy – I absolutely love it when the sun sets. Think that’s the most beautiful time of any day. Sunrises are cool too but of late I haven’t seen one as a result of my not being a ‘morning person’. Flash Back to: The Sun Sets in the west and Sunsets 

What is your favorite holiday? 
😀 Easter – more so for the BUN 😀 and CARNIVAALLLLL … Yes the death of Jesus is also very important too. Flash back to: Top 7 of many Memorable Moments

What is your favorite flower? 
Hmnnn Flash back to
Roses are…
I’ve been Enchanted, Again
Forget me not 

What is your passion?
Anything related to Architecture and the Visual & Performing Arts!

And now I shall pass the love on to (in no particular order):
Leanne Cole
Esengas Voice
Whatever they Aint
Grishman Photography
Bam”s Blog
Poetry Blog of Mine
… and there are many more I’d love to add but you know I have a thing for ‘7’ so I shall stop here until perhaps another time. Thank you all for the love and  comments. 😀

2 thoughts on “A Black Thank You

  1. hehhehe oooo now that I dare not try … neither would I ever try new York.!\\! Suicide at best description.

    I am happy … nothing like some good ol’ southern hospitality!

  2. Well, you are very brave! I have been to the sales in the UK and they are pretty bad too, but these days I try to avoid such things! You have to be right at the front of the line to get the REAL bargains, I think. It’s all quite crazy. I am glad to know you are happy where you are. Continue to enjoy the experience – and all the new experiences to come!

Would love to know what you think! .....